Saturday 12 May 2012

Jesus the Door to the Sheep: Devotional message.

A group of teenagers were shocked at the one hut they always found shut whenever they passed by it. In the morning, noon day, afternoon and in the dusk its door was intact. It seemed like no one lived there. On a stormy afternoon, Timo wet and drained of all energy ran to this hut to look for shelter. He did not notice that this was they very hut they dreaded for being so estranged. A strong knock with the elbow flung the door open and Timo got shelter. He did not only get shelter but found a lot of treasures left by an old man who had left this hut never to return! 

If the sheep have no shelter on a rainy day, where can they run to get warmth? Could they have entered this hut the way Timo made it? It is the fear that so alienates us from accessing the love of the Father. We too are fearful that our sins are too great. “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his way.” But if only the sheep knew Jesus the door was open, they would get warmth.

Many times the world around us isolates us from seeing the hand of God. Sharp rays of red lights piece our bodies to cause unbearable pain. Our complex complicated societies have made it hard for us to look for God in our time of need. We have entrusted our lives to financial systems, medical programs and sweet relationships, only to harvest disappointment. Like Timo’s friends we pass by this hut and do not stop to examine what treasures are hidden behind the door.

Jesus is the door to the sheep. They go through him and find rest. The only true rest is found in the LORD. If we do not stop to look, knock and enter this door on a bright day, we might run to it in desperation on a stormy day. Timo’s fate may never be the same for all of us. Each day the Lord provides us with opportunity to restore our relationship with Him. But how often do we give excuses? How often do we put our trust in our finances, friends or witchcraft?

There is a joy in going to the door of the hut and enjoying the treasures hidden when all is still going our way. We should not be lied to either that abundance of wealth or good health means everything is okay with us. Until we go to Christ and renew our relationship, we are alienated enemies with God. Jesus is the only door by whom we access the Father with a repentant heart. The Father is able to receive us if we go through the Son. There are many treasures hidden in that hut that we are overlooking and despising. Today, instead of running away from what is true about you, why don’t you come and enter the rest?

Jesus may call us through voices of men whom we despise. He can call us to places we do not want to God. The treasures behind the door we are ridiculing are more than the comfort we are seated on. Our present comfort in temporal but the rest that Jesus gives is eternal. May we run to the door with no hesitation. He is the way, the truth and the life. Today is your day to knock the door to enter a new life.

Patrick Bongole